something nice back home…

this episode of lost left me with mixed emotions. obviously, i was super excited to see that it was kate and jack together, but it made it all the more heart breaking when we started to see the decline of jack. i do have some points to make about this episode though.

– how stubborn is jack? stubborn enough to let his appendix burst and die? seemed like it to me. i don’t understand that. i think he still doesn’t truly trust juliet either. which is why he wanted kate in there (other than the fact that he loves her), and then wanted to stay awake while she dug around in his abdominal cavity. seriously, who does that? take it like a man and just go to sleep jack.

– how upset is juliet about the whole realizing that jack loves kate instead of her thing? i gotta hand it to her, way to make him feel bad in the end by saying that to kate while knowing he was awake. and then i gotta give jack props for not squirming while she was sewing him up… but, ya know, if you can handle watching someone carve into your gut i think you can handle being sewn up afterwards. but that extra “jab” from juliet had to make him feel even more like crap.

– the whole hurley scene disturbed me. it’s crazy that this is the part that makes jack flip the switch… the whole message from charlie: “you’re not supposed to raise him, jack.” spoookkyyy… “just take your meds, hurley.”

– the secret phone call thing. you would think that kate would no longer be sneaky, but i guess some things never change. then we find out at the end that she was doing something for “him”… as in… sawyer. and i’ll put money on it that it has something to do with his daughter, clementine. kate already knows cassidy, the mama, anyway from way earlier. i wonder how all that came together?

– something is telling me that the whole “you’re not even related to him” comment in the end is a way of almost revealing that jack eventually found out about him and claire being half siblings. at the same time, that was pretty harsh, jack. if aaron could have understood you that would have been bad, but i’m guessing he’s only around 2, maybe 3, so it could be possible, but not too likely.

– what is up with christian shephard’s ghost? what is going on? did he somehow kidnap claire, and maybe that’s how kate ends up with aaron? i’m sure we’ll find out at some point…. but not next week. it never works that way.

until next time, stay lost.

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Filed under LOST

One response to “something nice back home…

  1. Christian

    Yeah as a “Jater” also, I was happy at the beginning, but of course it never stays that way. It sounds to me like you aren’t liking Jack that much Lauren. Stick with him–he’ll turn around…eventually…after the “We have to go back!” Yeah I thought the Hurley scene was really creepy. Especially when he said “Someone will be visiting you Jack…soon”. AWESOME! I also like where jack had to fix the smoke detector. When Hurley was in jail, it said No Smoking on the wall. Little things like that are cool. I have a feeling we won’t see Claire for until next season…probably why she doesn’t get off the island. Next episode is titled Cabin Fever and it’s got that guy from Ben’s 1st flashback, talking to Locke–it’s gonna ROCK!

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